
Preparing Researchers, Educators, and Parents (PREP): Tools for Autism and Behavior

Started Sep 15, 2019


Full course description

The PREP course sequence is intended for educators, speech pathologists, behavior specialists, other direct service providers, and family members seeking to improve outcomes of individuals with autism and developmental disabilities, as well as those with challenging behavior. At the end of the course sequence, individuals will be able to identify evidence based strategies to incorporate during activities to support learning. Individuals will also learn how to track and monitor progress while implementing strategies. Participants will learn strategies focused in the following areas: measurement, assessment, skill acquisition, behavior reduction, communication, documentation and reporting, professional conduct, and scope of practice and ethics. 

From the PREP course you can also participate in the Coach to Communicate (C2C) module.  C2C provides a one hour training webinar and additional online parent coaching sessions at no cost to parents and caregivers of children up to age 22 with core features of autism spectrum disorder. Parents and caregivers can learn how to improve their child's communication skills.  Please feel free to direct others who could benefit from our program to the PREP course. 

Sign up for this course today!
